We’re working to make sure sustainability runs through every relevant part of our operating model – from the way we make decisions to our governance structure and our organisational culture.
Why do we need to integrate sustainability across our operating model?
As a leading sustainable energy company, we need to embed sustainability systematically into the way we do business, continually integrating sustainability into all relevant parts of our operating model so that we’re all pulling in the same direction: towards a greener future.
To truly support and lead a renewable energy build-out that’s done right, sustainability must be systematically embedded into the way we do business
We want to make sure our organisation and stakeholders clearly understand what’s important to us, where we need to focus our efforts – and who is accountable for our sustainability performance.
What are we doing?
To integrate sustainability in a consistent manner across our operating model, we’re focusing on three strategic pillars:
- Roles and accountability: We’re ensuring that we have the right organisational setup and sustainability ownership to deliver on our priorities.
- Processes and decision gates: We’re integrating sustainability in all relevant processes across Ørsted to inform key business decisions.
- Culture and leadership: We’re embedding sustainability in the mindsets and behaviours of all employees, arming them with the knowledge and skills to contribute to meeting our ambitions.
Latest updates from 2023
- We strengthened accountability within our Group Executive Team for sustainability.
- We further integrated sustainability KPIs for strategic areas into key business decision gates, including semi-annual portfolio reviews and investment decisions
- We continued efforts to embed sustainability across all relevant parts of our operating model
- We ensured EU taxonomy-alignment of all projects with final investment decision (FID)
- We received continued recognition for our commitment to sustainable tax practices, obtaining the Fair Tax Mark for the second consecutive year
What’s next?
We’ll continue following our roadmap to implement our three strategic pillars.
Key information
IFC Performance Standards
EU Taxonomy
ISO9001 (Quality management)
ISO55001 (Asset management)
[ISO14001 (Environmental management)]
[ISO45001 (Health and safety management)]
LEED certification
Accountability lies with our Head of Global Stakeholder Relations, Chief Human Resources Officer, heads of regions, Head of P2X, and Head of Strategy, Portfolio & Partnerships.These efforts contribute towards the following Sustainable Development Goals: