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Ørsted employee in an office.

Ørsted A/S and Ørsted Salg & Service A/S are each rated by Moody’s, and Ørsted A/S is also rated by Standard & Poor's and Fitch. Furthermore, both Ørsted A/S and Ørsted Wind Power TW Holding A/S are rated by Taiwan Rating, a subsidiary of Standard & Poor’s.

Ørsted A/S guarantees all obligations of Ørsted Salg & Service A/S. For further information, please contact

Ørsted A/S also guarantees all obligations of Ørsted Wind Power TW Holding A/S and Ørsted Wind Power TW Holding A/S has issued upstream guarantees covering the obligations relating to existing and future senior bonds issued by Ørsted A/S and listed on any official stock exchange. For further information, please contact

Ørsted A/S, Ørsted Salg & Service A/S and Ørsted Wind Power TW Holding A/S are currently rated as follows:

Ørsted A/S

Rated company  Rating agency  Long-term rating  Outlook  Short-term  Last updated 
Ørsted A/S Standard & Poor's  BBB Stable A-2  February-2024
Ørsted A/S Moody's  Baa1  Negative  February-2024
Ørsted A/S Fitch Ratings  BBB+  Stable February-2024
Ørsted A/S Taiwan Rating twAA- Stable twA-1+ February-2024


Other Ørsted entities

Rated company  Rating agency  Long-term rating  Outlook  Short-term  Last updated 
Ørsted Salg & Service A/S   Moody's  Baa1  Negative  February-2024
Ørsted Wind Power TW Holding A/S Taiwan Rating twAA- Stable twA-1+ February-2024


Our rating analysts:


  • Standard & Poor's
  • Moody's
  • Fitch Ratings
  • . . .

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