There are plenty of ways that you and your children can help take care of our common home and help move towards a world that runs entirely on green energy. Here are a few ideas that you and your family could adopt:


Yes we can!

A hurdle on the path to a world running entirely on green energy is the doubt among some people that it is possible. It is possible. Renewable energy is now cheaper than fossil fuel-based energy, leaving no excuses not to replace fossil fuels with wind and solar energy. The future is as bright as we want it to be, and we all need to spread the word!

Choose green

Have a chat at home about how energy is produced. A great way to create a greener future is to choose a green energy provider and purchase more sustainably produced products.

Green energy

Wind energy is powered entirely by the forces of nature. This means it’s far more climate friendly than coal for example.

Electric vehicles

Regular car engines cause a great deal of pollution, so driving an electric car is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.


Some products are produced far more sustainably than others. Try to favor products made from organic, renewable materials.

Consider who you vote for

This isn’t really one for the kids, but more a tip for you as a parent: politicians play a major role in defining the future. Ask the politicians you support to take action to phase out fossil fuels and speed up the build-out of green energy.

How green is your pension scheme?

Pension funds invest huge sums of money into the economy every year. Look into whether your pension company considers the climate impact of their investments.

Talk to your school

Explain to your child’s school leadership team that teaching your child to live green is a priority for you, and maybe suggest that it becomes part of the curriculum.

Sharing is caring


Maybe your children have some toys they no longer use? Or clothes that no longer fit? Then hand them down to your local charity shop.


Who knows? On your trip down there, you might find something that you really like that somebody else has handed in!

Eat your greens

Cutting down on your meat intake can do wonders for the planet, and eating more plant-based foods will provide you with a tasty, healthy and future-friendly alternative to meat. As we said earlier though, try to stick to local produce for maximum effect!

Buy seasonally

Try your best to eat in-season and locally produced fruit and vegetables. Doing so will significantly reduce your carbon footprint. Just think about how much CO2 those imported apples cost the planet in transport compared to those from the orchard down the road...

Sort it out

There are plenty of opportunities to sort your rubbish, so it can be processed and recycled correctly. But try to throw less away in general.

Walk on

Walking or biking instead of taking the car can save the atmosphere from significant amounts of carbon dioxide emissions. And it’ll keep you fit too!

Experience the beauty of nature

Nothing beats a nature trip. Kids love them, and a good trip into the wild will help them appreciate nature more if they experience it in person. Discuss your experiences and try to give them an understanding of why we need to take action to help nature continue to flourish.

Easy answers to hard questions

Climate change can be confusing – for parents too