The wind brought Rachel Meyer to Denmark

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With a master's degree from the Technical University of Denmark and a burning passion for wind power, Rachel Meyer applied for and got the graduate position at DONG Energy in March. Rachel started her new job in early September 2016.
"The graduate position is a unique career training opportunity which you don't necessarily get by applying for an ordinary job. Especially because I'd like to work in management later," she says about the reason why she applied for the position.
As an engineering student at Pittsburgh University, she was most attracted to the field of wind.
"Wind power is incredibly interesting for an engineer like me who views energy technologies through a mechanical lens."
Rachel has followed her dream by going to Denmark to study and look for a job.
"It was the chance to work with and study wind energy that brought me to Denmark. A couple of years into my BSc in the US, it became clear to me that I wanted to specialise in wind," says Rachel Meyer.
The move to Denmark has not been without challenges. She says:
"The approaches to studying differ from those in the USA and are characterised by group work and application processes, but it's always nice to learn something new."
Today, she loves her role as a graduate, where her tasks include data analysis, writing reports and project management.
Why Rachel?
There are several reasons why Rachel Meyer landed the graduate position. For Anders Thoft Marcussen, Manager in the Measurements department in DONG Energy Wind Power, the decisive factor was Rachel's burning passion combined with her high level of expertise.
"Rachel Meyer is academically very strong. She gets the job done, adapts quickly and is highly motivated. She’s demonstrated the latter by crossing the Atlantic Ocean to work with green energy in Denmark," explains Anders Thoft Marcussen, adding:
"Rachel left no doubt about her dedication to our field of business. This gave her a competitive edge over other academically competent applicants."