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Last wind turbine completed at the Gode Wind Offshore Wind Farm

Early this morning, DONG Energy installed the last wind turbine at the offshore wind project Gode Wind.

About Gode Wind 1 and 2

DONG Energy has a 50 per cent ownership share of Gode Wind 1 and Gode Wind 2. After commissioning, the company will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the wind farms. 


Global Infrastructure Partners, an independent infrastructure fund, owns 50 per cent of Gode Wind 1. The wind farm is partly financed by Talanx, the third largest insurance group in Germany. 


As to Gode Wind 2, four Danish pension funds, led by PKA and Industriens Pension, own a 50 per cent share of the wind farm

This means that the installation of all 97 turbines of the offshore wind farms Gode Wind 1 and Gode Wind 2 has been completed. With a total capacity of 582 megawatt, the two wind farms will deliver enough green power to cover the consumption of 600,000 Germany households. This summer the two wind farms will go into operation.   

Trine Borum Bojsen, Managing Director of DONG Energy in Germany and responsible for offshore wind in the country, says: “Gode Wind 1 and 2 are our second and third projects in Germany. Borkum Riffgrund 1, our first German wind farm, was inaugurated last year. I’m pleased that we can once again contribute to the German energy transformation. The construction of such large projects brings along economies of scale, contributing to the reduction of the cost of offshore wind.” 

Installation completed on schedule

The construction of Gode Wind 1 and 2 took just over one year. In April last year, the construction activity started approximately 45 kilometres off the coast. In August, the offshore team began the installation of the 6.0 MW wind turbines. Despite the challenging weather conditions during winter time, DONG Energy completed the installation on schedule.

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Tom Lehn-Christiansen +45 99 55 60 17