About the biogas plant
Horsens Bioenergi owns the biogas plant while DONG Energy owns the upgrading plant which is critical for preparing the produced biogas for sale and distribution to the customers. The parties have signed a 15-year agreement on purchase of biogas.
The plant will process approximately seven million cubic metres of bio methane annually, corresponding to the consumption of more than 4,000 natural gas-fired homes. Horsens Bioenergi purchases biomass from Danish Crown's large slaughterhouse in Horsens, Denmark. In this way, local resources will be used instead of transporting the waste for treatment much further away; all in all, the new approach translates into improved CO2 accounts.
In Denmark, so far, most of the biogas has been used for heating and power generation. But a significant part of the biogas is burned to no avail, especially during the summer where the heat consumption is low. Without the possibility of distribution to the natural gas grid, the full biogas potential in Denmark cannot be realised. In 2011, DONG Energy commissioned the first plant in Denmark which distributes biogas to the natural gas grid.
CEO of Horsens Bioenergi
Klaus D. Johansen
+45 40 30 15 38