Pursuant to Section 30, cf. section 38, of the Danish Capital Markets Act, EuroPacific Growth Fund (“EUPAC”), USA, has notified Ørsted A/S (“Ørsted”) that EUPAC as per 15 October 2018 owns 20,489,099 Ørsted shares corresponding to 4.8739 % of the share capital of Ørsted.
EUPAC has delegated the voting rights attached to its shareholding in Ørsted to its investment advisor, Capital Research and Management Company, a 100% owned subsidiary of The Capital Group Companies Inc. EUPAC has informed Ørsted that the notification made on behalf of The Capital Group Companies Inc. on 3 November 2016 included EUPAC’s holdings.
EUPAC is a mutual fund registered in the United States under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
The information provided in this announcement does not change Ørsted’s previous financial guidance for the 2018 financial year.
For further information
Media Relations
Ulrik Frøhlke
+45 99 95 60
Investor Relations
Daniel Lerup
+45 99 55 59 35