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DONG Energy to change company name

Following its profound strategic transformation from black to green energy, DONG Energy intends to change its company name.

At a meeting today for DONG Energy’s employees, CEO Henrik Poulsen will announce the new name. Media is invited to attend, and after the meeting, Henrik Poulsen will be available for interviews. The meeting will be streamed via, and all stakeholders are invited to join the live streaming.

The meeting will take place at 10:30 CEST at:
Nesa Allé 1
2820 Gentofte

Live-streaming can be followed via this link:

The information in this announcement does not change DONG Energy’s previous financial guidance for the financial year 2017 or the announced expected investment level for 2017.

For additional information, please contact:

Media Relations
Martin Barlebo
+45 99 55 95 52

Investor Relations
Henrik Brünniche Lund
+45 99 55 97 22

DONG Energy (Nasdaq OMX: DENERG) is one of Northern Europe's leading energy groups and is headquartered in Denmark. Around 5,600 ambitious employees develop, construct and operate offshore wind farms, generate power and heat from our power stations as well as supply and trade in energy to wholesale, business and residential customers. The Group generated revenue in 2016 of DKK 61 billion (EUR 8.2 billion). Read more on