At the general meeting, the report on the business of the company in the accounting year passed was noted.
Moreover, the general meeting approved the following points,
· Audited annual accounts
· Decision on decharge for the Board and the Board of Directors
· The decision on application of the turnover following the approved Annual Reports. No profit payment is made for the year
· Re-election of the Chairman and the other suggested members of the Board
· Change of DONG's regulations
· Election of Accountants (re-election of KPMG C.Jespersen, Statsautoriseret Revisionsinteres-sentskab and new election of BDO ScanRevision)
In his oral statement, the Chairman of the Board, Sven Riskær, had the following comments to the in-tegration into the electricity business:
The pieces are falling into place one by one and we are facing an extensive and broadly integrated Da-nish electricity company, that can match the increasing foreign competition'
Composition of the Board
The Board has elected their officers as follow,
Sven Riskær, Chairman, Manager IFU/IØ-Foundation
Lars Nørby Johansen, Deputy Chairman, CEO
Lars Torpe Christoffersen, CEO, MACH S.a.r.l.
Svend Sigaard, Managing Director, Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Asbjørn Larsen, B.Com
Jesper Magtengaard, Senior Asset Manager (appointed by the employees)
Bent Stubkjær, Head of Department (appointed by the employees)
Thorkild Meiner-Jensen, Lawyer (appointed by the employees)
Further information:
Anders Eldrup, CEO
Carsten K. Thomsen, CFO
Michael Steen-Knudsen, Investor Relations
Phone no: +45 4517 1550