Third-quarter revenue was DKK 8,948 million compared with DKK 3,391 million in 2005. Third-quarter EBIT was a loss of DKK 231 million compared with DKK 494 million. YTD EBIT was DKK 3,577 million compared with DKK 2,943 million. Third-quarter EBIT was adversely affected by a non-recurring expense of DKK 2,185 million Third-quarter profit after tax was DKK 643 million compared with DKK 397 million. YTD profit after tax was DKK 3,813 million compared with DKK 2,057 million. Third-quarter profit after tax was depressed by net non-recurring items of DKK 573 million Third-quarter operating cash flow was DKK 1,627 million versus DKK 1,481 million. Investing activities generated an inflow of DKK 5,345 million compared with an outflow of DKK 1,244 million. The principal disposals/investments were the payment for Elsam and Energi E2's sale of assets to Vattenfall, the acquisition of the remaining 35% of the shares in Elsam from Vattenfall, less cash and cash equivalents acquired, and investment in the Ormen Lange and Langeled projects. The profit outlook of DKK 4.9 billion is reaffirmed, despite of the described non-recurring items
For further information, please contact:
Head of Investor Relations
Michael Steen-Knudsen
+45 4517 1556
Media Relations
Ulrik Frøhlke
+45 2484 9725