After seven years as a member of the Board of Directors, Jakob Brogaard now wants to make way for new forces:
“It’s been a privilege and a very exciting task to contribute to DONG Energy’s development. Since the merger in 2006, the company has developed into a market leader within offshore wind farms, and the company is back on track after a financially difficult period. With the capital injection in place, it’s the right time to make way for new forces. Therefore, I’ve informed the Danish Ministry of Finance that I've decided not to run for re-election to the Board of Directors.”
“I would like to thank my colleagues on the Board of Directors and DONG Energy’s management for their cooperation.”
Jakob Brogaard has sat on several boards of directors in the Danish business sector, among others in Danica Pension, LR Kredit, OW Bunker & Trading A/S and Newco AEP A/S. In 2012, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Danish company ‘Finansiel Stabilitet’ which is responsible for securing financial stability. He was elected to the Board of Directors of DONG Energy A/S at the general meeting in April 2007.
The information provided in this announcement does not change DONG Energy’s previous financial guidance for the 2014 financial year or the announced expected investment level for 2014-2015.
For additional information, please contact:
Media Relations
Karsten Anker Petersen
+45 9955 9662
Investor Relations
Allan Bødskov Andersen
+45 9955 9769
DONG Energy is one of the leading energy groups in Northern Europe. Our business is based on procuring, producing, distributing and trading in energy and related products in Northern Europe. DONG Energy has around 6,500 employees and is headquartered in Denmark. The Group generated DKK 73 billion (EUR 9.8 billion) in revenue in 2013. For further information, see