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DONG Energy appoints new Executive Vice President

Thomas Dalsgaard, age 45, is with effect from October 1st 2011 appointed Executive Vice President in DONG Energy and will be responsible for the business unit Generation. Thomas Dalsgaard previously served as Senior Vice President in DONG Energy Generation with responsibility for the commercial activities and Finance & Strategy. Thomas Dalsgaard holds a Master of Economics and has been employed in DONG Energy from 2003-2004 and again from 2008. Thomas Dalsgaard will be located in Skærbæk.

As previously announced, Niels Bergh-Hansen, Executive Vice President, who has been responsible for Generation and Renewables, will retire with effect from  October 1st 2011.

Anders Eldrup, CEO, DONG Energy:

”I welcome Thomas Dalsgaard to the Group Management. With Thomas Dalsgaard as Head of Generation, we continue unabated with the conversion from black to green electricity and heat production and the development of our new biotechnological energy solutions."

The group responsibility for the business unit Renewables will be filled by Anders Eldrup, who adds:

”Over the recent years, Renewables has been through an extensive and successful development, which has meant that today, DONG Energy is world leading within offshore wind power which is one of the fastest growing segments in the energy sector. This market leading position offers special opportunities for DONG Energy, which is why I wish to increase my involvement in the further development of this area."

The content of this company announcement does not affect DONG Energy’s previously announced expectations for the financial result for the financial year 2011 or the expected investment level.

DONG Energy is one of the leading energy groups in Northern Europe. We are headquartered in Denmark. Our business is based on procuring, producing, distributing and trading in energy and related products in Northern Europe. We have approximately 6,000 employees and generated DKK 55 billion (EUR 7.3 billion) in revenue in 2010. For further information, see

For further information, please contact:

Investor Relations
Morten Hultberg Buchgreitz
+ 45 9955 9750

Media Relations
Karsten Anker Petersen
+ 45 9955 9662