DONG Energy develops the Nini East field, which is part of the Nini license. With the development follows a production platform, which will be constructed seven kilometers northeast of the existing platform, Nini. The Nini license is situated within the DONG Energy-operated Siri area comprising the Siri, Nini and Cecilie licenses. “With the Nini East development we expect to be able to keep producing from the field maybe even until 2020. This means that we once again have added years to the lifespan of Siri, originally estimated to 2007”, says Søren Gath Hansen, Executive Vice President in DONG Energy and responsible for the exploration and production activities. The Danish Energy Authority approved the plan for development and operation in February this year. Like the Nini and Cecilie platforms, Nini East will be an unmanned satellite platform. From Nini East the oil is sent via Nini to the Siri platform for further treatment and shipping. The license partners' total investment in the Nini East field including a pipeline between Nini and Nini East is DKK 2.1 billion. DONG Energy has signed contracts with Acergy regarding pipelines and with Bladt Industries regarding the establishing of the platform. DONG Energy's estimated oil reserves from the field is approximately 17 mio. barrels of oil, of which DONG Energy's share is 6.8 mio. barrels. DONG Energy expects to start production from Nini East by the end of 2009. DONG Energy owns 40% of the Nini license. The other partners are RWE Dea and Noreco, who each own a 30% stake. The content of this release will not alter DONG Energy's expectations concerning the result for the 2008 financial year which, as previously announced, is expected to be on a par with the result for 2007. For further information, please contact: Investor Relations Steen Juul Jensen +45 9955 9724 Media Relations Ulrik Frøhlke +45 9955 9560
DONG Energy develops the Nini East field