New outlook from Standard & Poor's

31.08.06 New outlook from Standard & Poor's Standard and Poor's has today revised its outlook on DONG Energy A/S from BBB+ Stable Outlook to BBB+ Positive Outlook. According to Standard & Poor's the outlook revision reflects a more rapid than expected recovery of DONG Energy's financial profile after the approval and completion in 2006 of its acquisitions of several Danish utilities. The acquisitions totalled DKK 25 billion. Carsten K. Thomsen, Executive Vice President, Finance, of DONG Energy, says: "I am very pleased with the rating from Standard and Poor's, which highlights DONG Energy's strong credit standing. Both the acquisitions and the subsequent integration process are proceeding to plan, being on schedule and generating the expected synergies". For further information, contact: Media Relations Louise Münter +45 4517 1545