Our wind farms can be found off the coasts of Europe, the US, and the Asia-Pacific region. We’ve built more offshore wind farms than any other developer in the world – including the world’s first and the world’s largest. And our global footprint continues to grow. On top of the 9.9 GW of offshore wind capacity we’ve installed, we have a further 12 GW either under construction or awarded.   

Find out more about each of our offshore projects below. You can also access our operational and meteorological offshore wind farm data. We offer this data to help research, education and development in green energy.

Offshore wind farms in Denmark
  • Anholt
    Status: In operation
    Overall capacity: 400 MW
    Number of turbines: 111
    Wind turbine capacity: 3.6 MW
    Rotor diameter: 120 metres
    In commercial operation since: 2013
    Location: between Djursland and the island of Anholt in the Kattegat.
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: PensionDanmark, AIP Management
  • Avedøre
    Status: In operation
    Overall capacity: 7.2 MW
    Number of turbines: 2
    Wind turbine capacity: 3.6 MW
    Rotor diameter: 120 meters
    Construction period: 2009-2011
    Location: Avedøre Power Station at Avedøre Holme
    Ørsted ownership share: 100%
  • Horns Rev 1
    Status: In operation
    Overall capacity: 160 MW
    Number of turbines: 80
    Wind turbine capacity: 2 MW
    Construction period: 2002
    Location: North Sea, 14 km off the Danish west coast
    Ørsted ownership share: 40%
    Partners: Vattenfall
  • Horns Rev 2
    Status: In operation
    Overall capacity: 209 MW
    Number of turbines: 91
    Wind turbine capacity: 2.3 MW
    Rotor diameter: 93 metres
    Construction period: 2008-2009
    Location: 30 km off the Danish west coast from Esbjerg
    Ørsted ownership share: 100%
  • Nysted
    Status: In operation
    Overall capacity: 165.6 MW
    Number of turbines: 72
    Wind turbine capacity: 2.3 MW
    Rotor diameter: 82.4 metres
    Construction period: 2003
    Location: 10 km south of Nysted and around 13 km west of Gedser
    Ørsted ownership share: 42.7%
    Partners: Stadtwerke Lübeck and PensionDanmark
Offshore wind farms in Germany
  • Borkum Riffgrund 1

    Status: In operation
    Location: 37 km from the island of Borkum, in the German North Sea
    Overall capacity: 312 MW
    Number of turbines: 78
    Wind turbine capacity: 4 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2015
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: Greencoat Renewables

  • Borkum Riffgrund 2
    Status: In operation
    Location: in the German North Sea, adjacent to Borkum Riffgrund 1
    Overall capacity: 450 MW
    Number of turbines: 56
    Wind turbine capacity: 8 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2018
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: Gulf Energy, Keppel Infrastructure Trust ("KIT")
  • Borkum Riffgrund 3

    Status: Under construction
    Overall capacity: 913 MW
    Number of turbines: 83
    Wind turbine capacity: 11 MW
    Location: in the German North Sea, adjacent to Ørsted's existing offshore wind farms Borkum Riffgrund 1 and Borkum Riffgrund 2
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: Nuveen Infrastructure
    Expected commissioning: 2026

    Borkum Riffgrund 3 comprises three offshore wind projects which were originally awarded to Ørsted in auctions in 2017 and 2018 under the names of Borkum Riffgrund West 1, Borkum Riffgrund West 2 and OWP West. The three projects were renamed in September 2019 and will be built as one joint project under the name of Borkum Riffgrund 3.

    Borkum Riffgrund 3 was awarded without subsidies to Ørsted. A number of companies across IT, retail and the chemicals industry have signed corporate power purchase agreements for Borkum Riffgrund 3.

  • Gode Wind 1 & 2

    Status: In operation
    Location: 50 km from the Lower Saxony coast, in the German North Sea
    Overall capacity: 582 MW
    Number of turbines: 97
    Wind turbine capacity: 6 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2016
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners (Gode Wind 1): Nuveen Infrastructure, The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited (TRIG)
    Partners (Gode Wind 2): AIP, Industriens Pension, Lærerenes Pension, Lægernes Pensionskasse

  • Gode Wind 3

    Status: In operation
    Overall capacity: 253 MW
    Number of turbines: 23
    Location: in the German North Sea
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: Nuveen Infrastructure
    In commercial operation since: 2025

    Gode Wind 3 comprises two offshore wind projects which were originally awarded to Ørsted in auctions in 2017 and 2018 under the names of Gode Wind 3 and Gode Wind 4. The two projects were renamed in September 2019 and will be built as one joint project under the name of Gode Wind 3.

Offshore wind farms in the Netherlands
  • Borssele 1&2
    Status: In operation
    Location: in the North Sea, 23 km off the Dutch Zeeland coast
    Overall capacity: 752 MW
    Number of turbines: 94
    In commercial operation since: 2020
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM)
Offshore wind farms in Poland
  • Baltica 2 & 3

    Status: Awarded
    Capacity: Baltica 2 (1,498 MW), Baltica 3 (1,255 MW)
    Expected commissioning: Baltica 2 (2027), Baltica 3 (2029)

    Baltica 2 & 3 are being developed in a 50/50 partnership with the Polish energy company PGE. Baltica 2 & 3 will contribute significantly to Poland’s green energy transition, accelerate the development of the local supply chain and spur economic activity for many years to come.

    Find out more by visiting the Baltica 2 & 3 project website

Offshore wind farms in Taiwan
  • Formosa 1
    Status: In operation
    Location: 2-6 km off the coast of Miaoli County
    Overall capacity: 128 MW
    Number of turbines: 22
    In commercial operation since: 2017
    Ørsted ownership share: 35%
    Partners: JERA, Swancor Renewables, Mitsui Osk Lines (M.O.L.), Hokuriku Electric Power Company
  • Greater Changhua 1

    Status: In operation 
    Location: 35-50 km off the coast of Changhua County 
    Number of turbines: 75
    Overall capacity:
    605.2 MW
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: CDPQ & Cathay Private Equity
    In operation since: 2024

  • Greater Changhua 2a
    Status: In operation 
    35-50 km off the coast of Changhua County 
    Number of turbines: 
    Overall capacity:
    294.8 MW
    Ørsted ownership share:
    In operation since: 
  • Changhua 2b & 4

    Status: Under construction 
    Capacity: 920 MW 
    Location: Off the coast of Changhua County 
    Ørsted ownership share: 100%
    Expected commissioning: 2025/2026

    In June 2018, Ørsted was awarded the right to build another 920 MW offshore wind in Taiwan through its Changhua 2b and 4 sites. Changhua 2b and 4 are to be built in 2025. 

Offshore wind farms in the UK
  • Barrow
    Status: In operation
    Number of turbines: 30
    Overall capacity: 90 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2006
    Location: Northwest coast of England in the East Irish Sea, 7km South West of Walney Island near Barrow-in-Furness 
    Ørsted ownership share: 100%
  • Burbo Bank
    Status: In operation
    Number of turbines: 25
    Overall capacity: 90 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2007
    Location: Burbo Flats in Liverpool Bay, approximately 6.4 km from the Sefton coastline and 7.2 km from North Wirral 
    Ørsted ownership share: 100%
  • Burbo Bank Extension

    Status: In operation 
    Number of turbines: 32
    Overall capacity: 259 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2017
    Location: Burbo Flats in Liverpool Bay, approximately 7 km north of the North Wirral
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: LEGO (Kirkbi), Greencoat

  • Gunfleet Sands 1 & 2
    Status: In operation
    Number of turbines: 48
    Overall capacity: 173 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2010
    Location: 7 km southeast of Clacton-on-Sea, Essex
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: JERA, Development Bank of Japan (DBJ)
  • Gunfleet Sands 3
    Status: In operation
    Location: 7 km southeast of Clacton-on-Sea, Essex
    Number of turbines: 2
    Overall capacity: 12 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2013
    Ørsted ownership share: 100%
  • Hornsea 1

    Status: In operation
    Number of turbines: 174
    Overall capacity: 1218 MW 
    Wind turbine capacity: 7 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2019
    Location: in the North Sea, more than 100 km from the Yorkshire coast
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: Greencoat, TRIG & Equitix, GLIL & Octopus Renewables

    Find out more by visiting the Hornsea 1 project website 

  • Hornsea 2
    Status: In operation
    Number of turbines: 165
    Overall capacity: 1320 MW 
    Wind turbine capacity: 8 MW
    Rotor diameter: 167 m
    In commercial operation since: 2022
    Location: approx. 89 km off the Yorkshire coast in the North Sea, adjacent to Hornsea 1
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: AXA IM Alts and Crédit Agricole Assurances

    Find out more about Hornsea 2

  • Hornsea 3

    Status: Under construction
    Expected capacity: over 2,800 MW
    Location: off the North Norfolk coast in the North Sea
    Expected completion: 2027
    Ørsted ownership share: 100%

    We’re building Hornsea 3, which will replace Hornsea 2 as the world’s largest offshore wind farm.

    Find out more by visiting the Hornsea 3 project website

  • Hornsea 4

    Status: Awarded
    Location: in the North Sea, approximately 69 km off the Yorkshire coast
    Expected capacity: 2,400 MW
    Expected completion: 2030
    Ørsted ownership share: 100%

    Find out more by visiting the Hornsea 4 project website

  • Isle of Man
    Status: In development

    We are currently investigating an area in the Territorial Seas of the Isle of Man. Subject to our investigations, and the outcome of consenting processes, the wind farm could generate up to 1.4 GW of electricity.  
  • Lincs
    Status: In operation
    Location: 8 km off the east coast, near Skegness in Lincolnshire
    Number of turbines: 75
    Overall capacity: 270 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2013
    Ørsted ownership share: 25%
    Partners: Green Investment Group (GIG), Octopus Renewables
  • Race Bank
    Status: In operation
    Location: 17 miles off Blakeney Point on the North Norfolk coast and 17 miles off the Lincolnshire coast at Chapel St Leonards
    Number of turbines: 91
    Overall capacity: 546 MW 
    In commercial operation since: 2018
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: Macquarie (MIRA), RE Fund by Sumitomo/SMBC/DBJ, Funds managed by Arjun and Gravis
  • Walney
    Status: In operation
    Location:  15 km from coastline of Walney Island 
    Number of turbines: 102
    Overall capacity: 367 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2012
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: PGGM, Greencoat
  • Walney Extension

    Status: In operation
    Location: approx. 19 km west of Barrow-in-Furness off the northwest coast 
    Number of turbines: 87
    Overall capacity: 659 MW 
    In commercial operation since: 2018
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: AIP Management, PFA

    Visit the Walney Extension project website

  • West of Duddon Sands
    Status: In operation
    Location: 14 km from Walney Island, Cumbria 
    Number of turbines: 108
    Overall capacity: 389 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2014
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: Scottish Power Renewables (Iberdrola)
  • Westermost Rough
    Status: In operation
    Location: 8 km off the Yorkshire Coast, north of Hull 
    Number of turbines: 35
    Overall capacity: 210 MW
    In commercial operation since: 2015
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: Equitix, USS, Stepstone, BAE Systems Pension Funds, CLAL Insurance
Offshore wind farms in the US
  • Block Island Wind Farm

    Status: In operation
    Overall capacity: 30 MW
    Number of turbines: 5
    Wind turbine capacity: 6 MW
    Location: Approximately 3 miles southeast of Block Island, RI
    In commercial operation since: 2016
    Ørsted ownership share: 100%

    Find out more about America’s first offshore wind farm

  • Revolution Wind

    Status: Under construction 
    Capacity: 400 MW to Rhode Island and 304 MW to Connecticut
    Location: More than 15 miles south of the Rhode Island coast and 32 miles southeast of the Connecticut coast
    Expected completion: 2026
    Ørsted ownership share: 50 %
    Partners: Global Infrastructure Partners

    This project will help two states meet their ambitious clean energy goals affordably by providing 304 MW to Connecticut and 400 MW to Rhode Island.

  • South Fork Wind

    Status: In operation
    Number of turbines: 12
    Overall capacity: 132 MW
    Wind turbine capacity: 11 MW
    Location: 35 miles east of Montauk Point
    In commercial operation since: 2024
    Ørsted ownership share: 50%
    Partners: Global Infrastructure Partners

    Find out more about South Fork Wind

  • Sunrise Wind

    Status: Under construction
    Capacity: 924 MW
    Location: Over 30 miles east of Long Island’s Montauk Point
    To enter commercial operation: 2025

    Sunrise Wind will power more than half a million homes and bring substantial economic development to the state.

    Find out more about Sunrise Wind

A wind turbine in front of a dark cloud.

Offshore wind at Ørsted

We're the world leader in offshore wind - our passion has taken us far

Solar energy at Ørsted

We also develop, construct, and operate solar photovoltaic (PV) facilities