CANCELLATION Orsted AS HOWAO 2 Unplanned Trip

19/01/2023 09:16 AM CET

Message ID 19/01/2024
Type of unavailability  Unplanned
Type of event   Production Unavailability
 Event Start  19/01/2024 06:29 CET
 Event Stop  19/01/2024 17:00 CET
 Unit of measurement  MW
 Unavailable capacity  400
 Available capacity  0
 Installed Capacity  400
 Reason for the unavailability  Unplanned Trip
 Remarks  This UMM is now available on BMRS ELEXON, see
 Fuel Type  Wind
 Balancing zone  UK
 Affected Asset or Unit T_HOWAO-2
 Affected Asset or Unit EIC code 48W00000HOWAO-2K
 Market Participant  Ørsted A/S
 Market Participant Code A0001340A.DK