Reference number / Reference nummer | 20170227BRIFK-01 |
Type of asset or agreement / Form for aktiv eller aftale | WIND |
Affected unit(s) / Påvirket anlæg | Gode Wind 01 |
Country / Land | DE |
Time of capacity reduction / Tidspunkt for reduktion i kapacitet | 27-FEB-2017 17:35 (CET) |
Company / Virksomhed | DONG Wind Power |
Cause / Årsag | Outage / Nedbrud |
Type of fuel(s) / Brændstof | Power |
Capacity influenced / Påvirket kapacitet | 330 MW |
Available capacity during outage or maintenance / Kapaciett til rådighed under nedbrud el.vedligehold | 0 MW |
Estimated outage or maintenance duration / Vurderet varighed for nedbrud eller vedligehold | 27-FEB-2017 19:00 (CET) |
Duration uncertainty / Usikkerhed | +/- 1 hour/time |
Additional information / Yderligere information | All WTG’s is to be stopped and in correct orde, before de-energising all strings prior to 19:00 hrs CET outage by TenneT. |
Event status | Open |