DONG Energy A/S - UMM- Enecogen Unplanned Outage Update


Time of production stop 23/01/2012 10h08 (Update)
Company Enecogen VOF
Affected area Unit 20
Station/Asset SCC5-4000f
Production/Consumption Production
Affected unit(s) Unit 20
Type of fuel(s) Natural gas
Available production during outage 422,52 MW (Unit 10)
Estimated out time Until 07h00 24/01/2012 (Synchronised)
Duration uncertainty high
Additional information Enecogen were unable to publish. Enecogen & DONG then agreed to publish on there behalf. This message is an update from the previous message sent out this afternoon. The plant is said to be technically working, however, start-up will first be at 07h00 Copenhagen time 24/01/2012.