The Bloom Festival anticipates a world that runs entirely on green energy

At this year’s Bloom Festival, four thinkers will perform a thought experiment in the spirit of H.C. Ørsted and imagine a world that runs entirely on green energy. One of the participants is the Danish non-fiction writer Tor Nørretranders, who finds hope for a greener future in young people’s focus on climate and action.
Lastyear's Ørsted-salon at Bloom Festival. Photo: Bloom / Longfei Wang, 2018
Lastyear's Ørsted-salon at Bloom Festival. Photo: Bloom / Longfei Wang, 2018

A world that runs on green energy will be the subject of a salon discussion at the Bloom nature and science festival. And according to Tor Nørretranders, the thought experiment isn’t just a utopian fantasy. Currently, he sees a very positive and necessary development in the way people are approaching the climate crisis. And it’s young people who are leading the way:

“Young people have really stepped up and insisted on using their own empirical understanding of the world to say that we have to act now. At the COP15 summit in Copenhagen back in 2009, the world’s leaders came together while we all sat passively waiting to see what they’d come up with. Today, it’s the world’s school students who are coming together and demanding action. In my opinion, this is a very significant and positive difference.”

At the same time, green technologies have matured and, along with the growing belief that action does make a difference, this provides good opportunities for boosting the green transformation:

“Things are going to develop very quickly once the green transformation takes root. Lots of the technology we need is already available, so we just have to get started and do something about the situation here and now,” says Tor Nørretranders.

And there’s another sign that the green transformation will soon gain much more momentum. Ørsted, one of the world’s leading developers of green energy, is seeing a surge of interest in green energy as it’s now become cheaper than fossil fuel-based energy:

“Along with other green energy companies, in just a few years, we’ve managed to make offshore wind power so much more affordable that it’s even cheaper now than conventional energy sources. The same applies to solar and onshore wind power. The switch will further accelerate the transition to green energy, and that’s key to avoiding climate change,” says Jakob Askou Bøss, Ørsted’s Head of Strategy and Communication, and continues:

“It’s no longer just the climate agenda that’s driving the green transformation. Now there’s also a strong financial incentive for governments around the world, and we can see that this is significantly increasing the demand for green energy.”

Ørsted’s events at Bloom
In addition to Tor Nørretranders, the participants in the ‘The Big Green Bang’ thought experiment will be Professor of Astrophysics Anja C. Andersen, Professor of Geology Minik Rosing and the writer, cultural critic and radio host Knud Romer, who’ll moderate the debate. All Danes.

It will take place on 26 May, 14:30-15:30, at Bakkehuset on Rahbeks Allé 23, Frederiksberg C. In the early 19th century, these same buildings hosted Kamma Rahbek’s salons where artists and scientists met to discuss art, literature, philosophy, and science. H.C. Ørsted, Hans Christian Andersen, Adam Oehlenschläger, B.S. Ingemann, J.L. Heiberg, and many others guested these salons.

Ørsted will also present three other events at Bloom 2019:

  • 23 May – Bloom School: H.C. Ørsted’s electromagnetism (for school groups)
  • 25 May – Symposium: The world’s weather forecast
  • 26 May – Mastermind talk with Andreas Mogensen: What does the Earth look like from space?
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For additional information, please contact:

Anders Stougaard +45 99 55 67 39