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One of the largest power stations in Denmark can phase out coal

A new agreement ensures that in future, Asnæs Power Station will supply green energy to Novo Nordisk, Novozymes and district heating customers in Kalundborg. The conversion of Asnæs Power Station provides a CO2 reduction corresponding to the annual emissions from approximately 400,000 cars.
With a new 20-year agreement recently concluded between Novo Nordisk, Novozymes, Kalundborg Forsyning and DONG Energy, a sustainable alternative has been found to Denmark's largest coal-fired power station unit, enabling a complete phase-out of coal.

Thomas Dalsgaard, Executive Vice President in DONG Energy, says: "I'm very pleased that we now have an agreement regarding Asnæs Power Station. The future belongs to sustainable energy sources such as wind, solar and biomass. We'll therefore be phasing out all use of coal at our power stations by 2023, and the decision, which was made together with our customers, is an important step on the way."

About Asnæs Power Station

• Today, Asnæs Power Station consists of two units: Unit 2 and unit 5, both of which are fuelled by coal.

• Unit 2 was built in 1961 and has a capacity of 142MW power and a total of 193MWth district heating and process steam. Unit 5 was built in 1981 and is Denmark's largest power station unit with a capacity of 640MW power and 308MWth district heating and process steam.

• Today, units 2 and 5 operate alternately to generate district heating, process steam and power. A final status for the future of the two units will be determined when the new plant is commissioned.

• The new wood chip-fired plant to be constructed will have a capacity of 25MW power and a total of 129MWth district heating and process steam.
The 20-year steam and district heating contract involves a conversion of Asnæs Power Station and the connection of a new wood chip-fired plant to the power station's existing installations and systems. This will enable Asnæs Power Station to supply steam, district heating and power from sustainable wood chips from the end of 2019. Kalundborg is thereby retaining the advantages of the symbiosis between power station production, steam supply and district heating.

Hans-Martin Friis Møller, CEO of Kalundborg Forsyning, says: "For Kalundborg Forsyning, it's essential to secure a good, inexpensive supply of district heating for the customers in Kalundborg, while simultaneously contributing to the transition from fossil fuels to a sustainable solution."

Reduction of 45 per cent

The conversion from coal to wood chips at Asnæs Power Station will result in an annual reduction in CO2 emissions of around 800,000 tonnes. This corresponds to the annual CO2 emissions from more than 400,000 cars, and the new agreement thereby contributes significantly to Denmark's green conversion.

The conversion also means that the energy consumption at Novo Nordisk's largest production unit in Kalundborg will become carbon-neutral, and as a result, the total CO2 emissions from Novo Nordisk's global production will be reduced by as much as 45 per cent.
Henrik Wulff, Executive Vice President of Product Supply at Novo Nordisk, says: "We're pleased to have concluded an agreement that will ensure a stable supply of steam and district heating well into the future. It's important for us that the energy is generated from biomass rather than coal, as this is a far more eco-friendly solution, and the price is competitive. The agreement underpins the industrial symbiosis in Kalundborg and is yet another example of how partnership and dialogue can generate powerful results for the benefit of all parties. At Novo Nordisk, we've already converted our power consumption in the vast majority of our production to green power from wind turbines. The transition to green steam and district heating emphasises Novo Nordisk's focus on having a sustainable production."

In addition to Denmark, Novozymes also has production in eg the US, China and Brasil, and in 2016, the company’s biological solutions helped its customers achieve a reduction in CO2 emissions amounting to 69 million tonnes. Jesper Haugaard, Vice President at Novozymes, says:

"Our products help solve the world’s major problems, such as the climate challenge. For many years, Novozymes has also invested in reducing the impact from our own production. We get our power from wind turbines, and we're currently also making considerable environmental investments, among other things in a new biogas plant. The current project completes the circle, and our entire supply of power, heat and steam in Kalundborg will now come from other sources than coal and oil. The agreement ensures a stable supply of steam for our production at competitive terms, and in this way, the project also helps ensure an efficient production in Kalundborg with good jobs."

The wood chips for Asnæs Power Station will primarily come from by-products, such as branches, twigs and thinning trees, and all suppliers must ensure that the wood chips come from sustainable forestry where the forests are replanted, and biodiversity is protected.

The conversion of Asnæs Power Station will begin in the summer 2017, and the power station is expected to be ready for wood chip-fired production by the end of 2019.
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