We hear it again and again. Denmark needs more engineers, and it is particularly difficult to attract women into engineering studies. The number is slightly increasing, but still only about a quarter of those admitted to the engineering schools are women.
Consequently, 20 major companies, science centres and technical upper secondary schools from all over Denmark invited approx 1,000 primary and lower secondary and upper secondary school girls for a visit on Wednesday, 30 November.
DONG Energy was one of the companies which opened its doors. 44 second-year girls from the Danish technical upper secondary school 'Rybners Tekniske Gymnasium' in Esbjerg visited DONG Energy and were given a tour of the Skærbæk Power Station.
"As one of Denmark's largest engineering companies, we need skilled employees to support the green transformation. This initiative is targeted at girls still in education because we know that proportionately fewer women study to become engineers. We'd like to contribute to keeping women interested in natural science to ensure that we have the benefit of the entire talent pool coming into play," says Hanne Blume, HR Director in DONG Energy.
The girls heard about offshore wind turbines and their impact on the environment as well as power station technology, such as types of fuel, combustion and the by-products from the combustion processes. Four female role models presented the various subjects.
"Initiatives such as the 'Girls' Day in Science' is an obvious opportunity for us to showcase the possibilities that exist within our industry. We hope that the day has been an inspiration and eye-opener for the girls - both in terms of technology and the generation of energy," concludes Hanne Blume.