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DONG Energy and BetterHome enter sustainable partnership

We will help lower your energy bill. That is DONG Energy's customer promise, with a new collaboration with BetterHome being one of the initiatives.

Facts about BetterHome

BetterHome is a partnership between Danfoss, Grundfos, ROCKWOOL and the VELUX group.

These four companies have teamed up to make it simpler and more straightforward for homeowners to make their homes more energy-efficient with an improved indoor climate. 

BetterHome draws on expertise from all four companies.

Through a close working relationship with local firms of craftsmen and a number of large financing companies, BetterHome supplies tangible solutions that help cut energy consumption and improve the indoor climate. 
A lower energy bill is high on the agenda of Danish households, and DONG Energy is committed to turning this into reality. The company has therefore developed the new app "My Energy", run campaigns on TV and at metro stations and launched a new website with calculators and lots of energy savings advice that gives specific examples of how customers can reduce their energy consumption. The next step is entering into a partnership with BetterHome targeted at homeowners.

Louise Hahn, Vice President, Customers & Markets, B2C said: "Our ambition of reducing Denmark's energy bill goes really well with BetterHome's ambition of making it simple to implement energy-saving renovations in the home. It is therefore only natural for us to enter into a partnership, helping to promote contact between our customers and BetterHome."

BetterHome, which is owned by Danfoss, Grundfos, ROCKWOOL and VELUX, offers homeowners a free inspection of their homes by a local craftsman who is specially trained in working with energy improvements. The craftsman’s review results in proposals for specific energy renovations. Regarding the partnership with DONG Energy, Niels Kåre Bruun, General Manager at BetterHome said:

"We want to make it easy and safe for homeowners to save energy and improve the comfort of their homes. We are therefore delighted to have entered into yet another strong partnership in order to realise this significant potential for homeowners – from individual mapping of the possibilities to a complete solution with a good energy subsidy."

Homeowners can receive grants through the energy savings scheme, which DONG Energy helps to facilitate, and it is also possible to obtain tax deductions through the Bolig-Job (Residence-Job) scheme, better known as a "håndværkerfradraget" (craftsman deduction).
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For additional information, contact Media Relations 

Morten Kidal +45 9955 9583