The annual accounts award 'Regnskabsprisen+' is presented at the same time as the award for the best annual accounts among the OMXC20 companies and the panel of judges' special award.
The panel of judges consists of the following persons:
- Niels Leth, Head of Equity Research, Carnegie
- Kristian Wærness, Senior Vice President at 'Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S' and Chairman of the Danish Shipowners' Association's working group on financial accounting and auditing
- Claus Berner Møller, Portfolio Manager, ATP
- Ole Steen Andersen, professional board member
- Bjørn Sibbern, President, NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
- Lars Jønstrup Dollerup, CFO, Copenhagen Airports A/S
- Niels Mengel, Chairman, Danish Shareholders Association