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DONG Energy has the best annual report

DONG Energy has won the annual accounts award 'Regnskabsprisen+' which is awarded to one of Denmark's 10 largest unlisted companies.


The annual accounts award 'Regnskabsprisen+' is presented at the same time as the award for the best annual accounts among the OMXC20 companies and the panel of judges' special award.

The panel of judges consists of the following persons: 

  • Niels Leth, Head of Equity Research, Carnegie
  • Kristian Wærness, Senior Vice President at 'Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S' and Chairman of the Danish Shipowners' Association's working group on financial accounting and auditing
  • Claus Berner Møller, Portfolio Manager, ATP
  • Ole Steen Andersen, professional board member
  • Bjørn Sibbern, President, NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
  • Lars Jønstrup Dollerup, CFO, Copenhagen Airports A/S
  • Niels Mengel, Chairman, Danish Shareholders Association

'Good description of the strategy and long-term objectives', 'The IFRS part of the annual report has a high quality', 'The overall strategy The DONG Energy Way is presented very early in the report'. These are some of the reasons why the panel of judges chose DONG Energy as the winner of the award.

Marianne Wiinholt, CFO in DONG Energy, said the following about the work on the annual report:

"Through our annual reporting, we want to provide the best possible insight into DONG Energy's strategic and financial development and we take this award as a signal that we've succeeded."

The Danish accountancy firm PwC is the founder of the annual accounts award 'Regnskabsprisen+'; however, the assessments of the companies' annual reports have been carried out by a panel of judges consisting of experienced financial statement users and analysts. This year, three topics were decisive for the panel's assessments and for the fact that DONG Energy won the award. The three topics were:

  • The company's performance and follow-up on announced outlook
  • Cutting clutter - a stringent annual report without unnecessary information with special focus on the notes
  • The company's strategic objectives as well as the risks (operational and financial)
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Ulrik Frøhlke +45 9955 9560