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The grand opening in Norddeich

FILM: DONG Energy has finalised construction of its new location in Norddeich. The operations & maintenance building was inaugurated on 27 April and will be the O&M base for DONG Energy’s offshore wind farms in Germany.

An important day for DONG Energy and the City of Norden

Approximately 130 guests participated at the opening ceremony.

They were welcomed by Trine Borum Bojsen, Country Manager for Wind Power Germany, Volker Malmen, Head of Finance Germany, and Mathias Albrecht, Head of Borkum Riffgrund 1 Operations.

The harbour location in Norddeich in Germany will be the base for operating and maintaining DONG Energy’s offshore wind farms in Germany, viz. Borkum Riffgrund 1 as well as Gode Wind 1 and 2The new operations & maintenance building was inaugurated on 27 April 2015 with a grand opening ceremony.

The two-storey building and the four-story high bay warehouse cover a total area of 3,500 square meters, storing the equipment for the offshore technicians who make sure that all turbines are ready and in operation.

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For additional information, contact Media Relations 

Morten Kidal +45 9955 9583