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Vattenfall takes over Ensted Transit Harbour

DONG Energy has just signed an agreement with Vattenfall transferring DONG Energy's 50 per cent ownership interest in Ensted Transit Harbour to Vattenfall.

An agreement stating that Vattenfall takes over DONG Energy's 50 per cent ownership interest in Ensted Transit Harbour has just been signed. Today, Ensted Transit Harbour is operated by the company I/S ETH which will now be 100 per cent owned by Vattenfall. The 11 employees who are responsible for operating the harbour will not be affected by the transaction between DONG Energy and Vattenfall. 

Peter Thomsen, Vice President in DONG Energy, said:

"Apart from a synchronous compensator, which ensures the reliability of the electricity supply in this half of Denmark, we don't have additional production activities in operation at the Ensted Power Station and the harbour. Therefore, it's a good solution for us to transfer our ownership interest in the transit harbour to Vattenfall, as they or the future owners of their power stations will continue to have a need for transiting coal in Denmark."

Revitalisation at Stigsnæs

DONG Energy's decision to leave Ensted Transit Harbour will eg mean that the transit harbour close to the Stigsnæs Power Station will be revitalised. In September last year, the first collier arrived at Stigsnæs after two years of stagnation.

Thomsen continued:

"We've now started using the transit harbour close to the Stigsnæs Power Station as it has a better location in relation to our business. The harbour close to the Stigsnæs Power Station means shorter trips for both the large vessels delivering wood pellets and coal and for the barges transporting the wood pellets and coal to our power stations."

The agreement between DONG Energy and Vattenfall is subject to approval by the authorities.

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