OGD's reasons for the awards
The Safety Award in the 'companies' category:
DONG Energy E&P, SIRI platform, receives the companies award for a very clear demonstration of the fact that safety always comes first and for having a very high safety level under difficult conditions at the Siri platform.
The Safety Award in the 'individual persons' category: Frank Gravers Jensen, Semco Maritime, receives the individual award for showing great commitment to safety – a commitment far beyond what can be expected.
DONG Energy and LTIF
DONG Energy E&P, SIRI platform, receives the companies award for a very clear demonstration of the fact that safety always comes first and for having a very high safety level under difficult conditions at the Siri platform.
The Safety Award in the 'individual persons' category: Frank Gravers Jensen, Semco Maritime, receives the individual award for showing great commitment to safety – a commitment far beyond what can be expected.
DONG Energy and LTIF
- LTIF is the abbreviation for Lost Time Injury Frequency, meaning work-related accidents resulting in absence of one day or more, per million working hours
- In 2013, DONG Energy's LTIF was 3.2
- The Group target is to be below 1.5 in 2020