Reduce your heat consumption with your smartphone or PC
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DONG Energy and GreenWave Reality are now launching an energy-saving and intelligent solution for controlling your heat consumption. With this solution, Danish households will get the opportunity to achieve better comfort and energy savings of up to approximately 23%.
With this new solution, the energy consumption can be monitored and adjusted via a smartphone or a PC. In this way, temperature increases and reductions can be customised, both in the overall household and in individual rooms. For example, you can automatically lower the temperature when you are at work. Or only heat up the kitchen in the morning, if that is where the family is staying.
DONG Energy and GreenWave Reality aspire to create a system which is both intuitive and user-friendly, and home owners must be able to set-up the system very quickly and without further installation.
The solution consists of a user-friendly application, which is downloaded to a smartphone or a PC. The application offers the consumers an intuitive overview of their heat consumption, as well as the opportunity to tailor their heat consumption schedules, right down to the individual radiator. Or use one of the pre-programmed settings. In addition to the application, the packet comprises wireless thermostats from the Danish supplier Danfoss and an intelligent device for managing communication.
"This is our first intelligent solution for the Danish homes. We see it as our responsibility to help our customers to save energy, and intelligent control of the heat consumption is an obvious solution for achieving this. And at the same time, we offer them a solution where they can see, monitor and streamline their energy consumption by themselves in a more practical manner."
Louise Hahn, Vice President in DONG Energy, said:
"GreenWave Reality was able to deliver the right user-friendly platform, so they were an obvious partner for us."
Peter W. Christensen, GM Europe and co-founder of GreenWave Reality, said:
"Danfoss has tested the solution documenting savings on energy costs of up to 23%, so the purchase costs and a monthly subscription are quickly recovered. In addition to this, it offers the consumers a sense of involvement in their heat consumption. And at the same time, we lay the foundation for further applications to make your home more intelligent. We know that DONG Energy has plans to do that, and we would very much like to help realise these plans."