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Recommendations of the Nomination Committee of Ørsted A/S

Today, the Nomination Committee of Ørsted A/S has decided to recommend the election of Jørgen Kildahl as new member of the Board of Directors and the re-election of the existing six board members elected by the general meeting.

This follows the announcement from July 2017 when the Nomination Committee recommended Dieter Wemmer as new board member to be elected at the annual general meeting in 2018.

Consequently, the complete Nomination Committee recommendations to the annual general meeting in March 2018 are as follows:

(i) eight members of the Board of Directors are elected by the general meeting;
(ii) Thomas Thune Andersen is re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors by the general meeting;
(iii) Lene Skole is re-elected as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors by the general meeting;
(iv) Lynda Armstrong, Pia Gjellerup, Benny D. Loft and Peter Korsholm are re-elected as members of the Board of Directors by the general meeting; and
(v) Dieter Wemmer and Jørgen Kildahl are elected as new members of the Board of Directors by the general meeting.

On the nomination of Jørgen Kildahl, Thomas Thune Andersen, Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Nomination Committee of Ørsted A/S, said:

“Jørgen Kildahl has a strong international profile within renewable energy from his positions in E.ON, where he was involved in the turnaround of the business, and before that, from his work in Statkraft’s renewable energy business. He has a profound knowledge of how the energy ecosystems work and is a highly respected leader. As deputy chairman of Telenor, he also has in-depth knowledge of governance in a listed state-owned company. I look forward to having him on board.”

Further information about Jørgen Kildahl is attached to this announcement.

For additional information, please contact:

Media Relations
Ulrik Frøhlke
+45 99 55 95 60

Investor Relations
Henrik Brünniche Lund
+45 99 55 97 22

The Ørsted vision is a world that runs entirely on green energy. Ørsted develops, constructs and operates offshore wind farms, bioenergy plants and innovative waste-to-energy solutions and provides smart energy products to its customers. Headquartered in Denmark, Ørsted employs 5,600 people. Ørsted's shares are listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (Orsted). In 2016, the company's revenue was DKK 61 billion (EUR 8.2 billion). For more information on Ørsted, visit or follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.

Jørgen Kildahl
54 years, Norwegian

Education: Advanced Management Programme (Harvard Business School), MBA (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration), Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration, (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration), Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA).

Chairman of the Board of Directors: eSmart Systems
Deputy Chairman and member of the Audit Committee and the Sustainability and Compliance Committee: Telenor ASA
Board member and member of the Audit Committee: Hoegh LNG Holding Ltd.
Senior Advisor: Credit Suisse Energy Infrastructure Partners, Zürich.

Not-for-profit board positions: Horizon 2020 Empower (Modernising the European Electricity Net (advisory), Horizon 2020 Invade (Effective use of renewables by use of smart technologies), Smart Norway (Energy Advisor, Smart Energy Markets).

Special competences: Knowledge and experience within all Ørsted’s main business areas and with general management, safety management, risk management and stakeholder management.

Independence: Jørgen Kildahl is considered independent based on the criteria laid out by the Danish Committee on Corporate Governance in Section 3.2.1 of the Recommendations on Corporate Governance from May 2013 as updated in November 2014.