Local involvement in establishment of wind turbines

Cooperation between DONG Energy and the Danish Wind Turbine Owners' Association 23.03.2007 DONG Energy and the Danish Wind Turbine Owners' Association have agreed to initiate cooperation on the establishment of onshore wind turbines and the establishment of large offshore wind farms. Investment in new wind turbines requires local support, capital and strong technological competencies. The two parties therefore agree that cooperation is needed to boost the extension of wind power in Denmark. The parties expect the cooperation to be concretized in an agreement enabling wind turbine associations and other minor investors to participate together with DONG Energy in various wind power investments. The cooperation stems from a common desire to improve the possibilities for continued broad national involvement, mainly with local basis - through ownership in wind turbines. Asbjørn Bjerre, Director of Danish Wind Turbine Owners' Association: "The broad national participation in extension of wind turbines in Denmark is very unique and is one of the reasons for the positive attitude among the public to wind power. Therefore, we are pleased, together with DONG Energy, to be able to establish new possibilities for local co-ownership end involvement to back the establishment of new wind turbines." Anders Eldrup, CEO of DONG Energy: "We look very positively at local involvement and wide support in the areas where we would like to establish wind turbines. The support is important in relation to our considerations concerning investments in new wind power units. Therefore, we engage actively in the cooperation that complies with the Danish Government's wind turbine planning committee's latest initiatives focusing on the importance of support from the public." In Denmark, the public has traditionally shown considerable interest in the energy sector, which has been very clear through several periods of wind power extension. Until a few years ago, more than 100,000 Danish families were thus co-owners of wind turbines through wind turbine associations. Today, the number of turbine associations has gone down to only half the number, and very few new associations are established. DONG Energy and the Danish Wind Turbine Owners' Association emphasize that it is still too early for interested parties to take contact. Advertisements will be made locally in connection with actual projects. For further information please contact: Director Asbjørn Bjerre, Danish Wind Turbine Owners' Association: Tel.: +45 86 84 16 16 Media relations, Ulrik Frøhlke, DONG Energy: Tel.: +45 44 80 69 12