As of 13 October 2006, a new corporate website of DONG Energy are available.
www.dongenergy.com turns to all interested stake holders of the company at home and abroad.
www.dongenergy.dk mainly turns to the 1 million Danish customers of the company.
Press releases, Stock Exchange announcements as well as contact info on Media Relations and Investor Relations are available on both websites.
www.dongenergy.dk will automatically appear, if you visit any of the below websites:
The introduction of the new company will also result in new e-mail address to all employees of DONG Energy. The new e-mail addresses have been introduced but inquiries on the old e-mail addresses will for some time be re-directed to the new ones.
Media Relations will have new phone numbers and e-mail addresses
Head of Media Relations Louise Münter:
Direct No: +45 4480 6910
Mobile No: +45 6155 8771
Media Relations: +45 4480 6990