DONG held their ordinary general meeting on Tuesday 12 April 2005

At the general meeting, the report on the business of the company in the accounting year passed was noted. Moreover, the general meeting approved the following points, · Audited annual accounts · Decision on decharge for the Board and the Board of Directors · The decision on application of the turnover following the approved Annual Reports. No profit payment is made for the year · Re-election of the Chairman and the other suggested members of the Board · Change of DONG's regulations · Election of Accountants (re-election of KPMG C.Jespersen, Statsautoriseret Revisionsinteres-sentskab and new election of BDO ScanRevision) In his oral statement, the Chairman of the Board, Sven Riskær, had the following comments to the in-tegration into the electricity business: The pieces are falling into place one by one and we are facing an extensive and broadly integrated Da-nish electricity company, that can match the increasing foreign competition' Composition of the Board The Board has elected their officers as follow, Sven Riskær, Chairman, Manager IFU/IØ-Foundation Lars Nørby Johansen, Deputy Chairman, CEO Lars Torpe Christoffersen, CEO, MACH S.a.r.l. Svend Sigaard, Managing Director, Vestas Wind Systems A/S Asbjørn Larsen, B.Com Jesper Magtengaard, Senior Asset Manager (appointed by the employees) Bent Stubkjær, Head of Department (appointed by the employees) Thorkild Meiner-Jensen, Lawyer (appointed by the employees) Further information: Anders Eldrup, CEO Carsten K. Thomsen, CFO Michael Steen-Knudsen, Investor Relations Phone no: +45 4517 1550