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White papers

In our white papers, we address the questions that arise on the transformation journey from a fossil fuel-based society to one based on green energy. We offer insights and inspiration to everyone who seeks to understand the pathway to a world that runs entirely on green energy.

Making Hybrids Happen

Joint paper by Elia Group and Ørsted.

Connecting offshore wind farms to two or more markets at the same time, essentially combining offshore wind farms and interconnectors into ‘offshore hybrid projects’, is a key enabler to Europe’s green transformation.
But offshore hybrids are also complex projects to plan, finance and execute, due to their cross-border nature. In this joint paper, Ørsted and Elia Group propose tangible solutions to help overcome these barriers. 

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Getting GB electricity market design right

The UK is at a critical point on its journey to net-zero. The green energy transition is happening – the challenge now is creating an electricity system that supports it. In this paper, we set out in clear terms the challenges faced by the current electricity system and the three associated changes needed to support the move to a greener future energy system.

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Uniting action on climate and biodiversity

There is a new and necessary north star for renewable energy: to be a force for good on both climate and biodiversity. Ørsted is doing our part to deliver on this through our net-positive biodiversity ambition. Only if others act with us can we together deliver what is needed for people and planet. This paper sets out in clear terms why it is essential we consider biodiversity in the build-out of renewable energy, and what steps we believe are needed to ensure we get this right.

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The Power of American Green Hydrogen

The Power-to-X (P2X) industry has a solution to offer: green hydrogen. This zero-emissions energy – and the e-fuels derived from it – can sustainably replace the need for fossil fuels across sectors. Backed by new legislation, the US now has an opportunity to scale up green hydrogen production, becoming a global powerhouse in P2X.

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Let’s open the path to progress

Europe’s commitment to reach net zero by 2050 is as firm as ever. On top of decarbonisation, reaching this target will unlock the additional benefits, reduction in cost of electricity and reduced dependence on external sources of power – and governments, policy makers, and industry are working to deliver. Find out what this entails.

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Deeper waters, stronger winds  

Floating wind turbines are bringing offshore renewable energy generation to new waters, expanding the global resource potential of wind energy. Today, floating offshore wind has begun the same journey that made fixed-bottom offshore wind a competitive renewable energy technology at scale. Learn how Ørsted is partnering with other leading providers to develop floating wind and realise its great potential.   

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Need for Speed 

Europe's energy crisis and the latest alarming report by the IPCC all point towards the same solution: we need to significantly increase renewable energy and decrease our dependence on polluting fossil fuels for energy.  Our latest white paper proposes a new approach towards the deployment of offshore wind and renewable power-to-X – from planning processes to integration – to ensure the buildout is both speedy and sustainable. 

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Getting on track for 1.5 °C

Governments and businesses must look to the future and realise that it isn't only a moral imperative to act on climate change but also a financial one. Those who fail to act will be less competitive in a net-zero world and will likely face negative impacts to their bottom line.
With this handbook, we point to key actions that governments and businesses can and must take now if they want to remain competitive, while preserving our precious planet and shared home for future generations.

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Unlocking a renewable energy future

A critical element in the fight against climate change will be the decarbonisation of the world’s energy supply. While the foundation for the energy transition is strong – the technologies exist and the investments are manageable in the right frameworks – change is not happening fast enough. This joint working paper with the World Resources Institute focuses on the challenges and solutions to scaling investment in renewable energy generation and provides actionable policy solutions to unlock the private sector investment needed to support the energy transition.

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Our Green Business Transformation

Ørsted, now the world’s most sustainable energy company, used to be one of Europe’s most fossil fuel intensive. Since we decided to transform to a green business, financial performance has significantly improved, whilst to 2020 we have reduced our carbon emissions by 86%. Our transition has been quicker than many, and even ourselves, thought possible. This paper first describes our transformation and then offers our suggested learnings about how to execute such a green business transformation, so that our journey may inspire yours.

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Taking action to stay within 1.5°C

With this paper, Ørsted wants to illustrate that it is possible to halve global emissions by 2030 and limit global warming to 1.5°C, protecting our shared home from runaway climate change. We have the solutions – notably cost-competitive solar and wind energy – required to decarbonise the energy system, which is the biggest contributor to global warming.

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A European green deal 

How offshore wind can help decarbonise Europe
Europe has set out to become the world’s first climate neutral continent by 2050. This will require a massive buildout of renewable energy – including 450GW offshore wind generation – an ambitious, but feasible target. To get there, Europe needs a new approach to the offshore wind buildout. With this paper, Ørsted wants to point to three key questions, a new approach must address: how to find the space, how to ensure the infrastructure and how to enable the industry to scale.

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Making green energy affordable

How the offshore wind energy industry matured – and what we can learn from it.
Offshore wind power holds the potential to power hundreds of millions of people in a sustainable way. It has become cheaper to produce energy from newly constructed offshore wind farms than from newly built coal or gas-fired power plants, and vast areas are readily available at sea.

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Europe powered by green energy

How the North Seas can lead the change - Europe sits on one of the world’s best offshore wind resources in the North Seas. Here, wind speeds are high, relatively constant and the waters are shallow, providing good conditions for bottom fixed foundations.

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Regulatory set-up for hybrid offshore wind projects

Europe is determined to become the world’s first climate neutral continent by 2050. To this end, replacing fossil fuels with renewable electricity is the single most important driver for decarbonization. This entails European power demand will grow by as much as 150% by 2050.

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Discover more

The expert take

The global transition to renewable energy is necessary – and complex. These experts help navigate the way.

Stories from the front line

Each day, in their own ways, these individuals drive the fight against climate change.

The fact file

We bust the myths, address misconceptions, and answer the tricky questions surrounding the green transition.