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Internship as a shortcut to a career

Ayesha Hartlett from South Africa worked as an intern at DONG Energy. She is now pursuing her career in the Danish business world.

When employees from abroad consider seeking employment in Denmark, the possibilities for the accompanying partner play a crucial role. In fact, integration of spouses has proven to be one of the three largest barriers to growth in Denmark, according to The Confederation of Danish Industry.

"We must break down this barrier, and DONG Energy will contribute to this. Therefore, we have foreign trainees, who come to Denmark together with their spouse who already has a job," says Hanne Blume, Senior Vice President in People and Development.

Wanted a job as quickly as possible

Ayesha Hartlett came to Denmark from South Africa almost a year ago as accompanying wife. She wanted to get a job as quickly as possible and get new challenges. DONG Energy offered her an internship giving her eight weeks' work experience. She is now employed as an HR Partner at Maersk.

“For me, finding a job in Denmark wasn’t only about pursuing or continuing my career. It was also about integrating into a society,” says Ayesha and adds: 

“The best way to integrate is through working and contributing to that society. You get to meet new people, learn a new language and embrace a culture different to your own.”

All about fitting into the work culture

Ayesha is convinced that 70% of a new job is about fitting into the work culture:

"This was what I got the opportunity to focus on in a secure environment. An internship is, of course, also a matter of showing people what you can do and creating value, but it was an opportunity for me to learn how people work here, and how this differs to the way I've worked in the past.” 

International talent needed

Hanne Blume, Senior Vice President in People and Development, says: "Ayesha will not be the last international intern in DONG Energy. As DONG Energy becomes more and more international, we need to be able to attract talent from all over the world."

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For additional information, contact Media Relations 

Morten Kidal +45 9955 9583