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Members of DONG Energys Nomination Committee appointed

The annual appointment of shareholder representatives to DONG Energy’s Nomination Committee has been completed.

The following shareholder representatives have been appointed to DONG Energy’s Nomination Committee:

  • Rasmus Lønborg (appointed by the Danish Ministry of Finance)
  • Michael Specht Bruun (appointed by New Energy Investment Sàrl)
  • Jesper Hjulmand (appointed by SEAS-NVE)
  • Kasper Ahrndt Lorenzen (appointed by ATP)

The Nomination Committee's task is to review the composition of the Board of Directors and recommend suitable candidates to the shareholders at the annual general meeting.

Each year in September, a Nomination Committee is appointed. It is composed of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors and four members appointed by each of the four largest registered shareholders.  If any of the four largest shareholders does not wish to be represented on the Nomination Committee, a request is made to the fifth largest shareholders and so forth until a total of four shareholder representatives have been appointed. Only the ten largest shareholders may appoint a representative to the Nomination Committee.

Read the Rules of procedure for the Nomination Committee.

Contact us

For additional information, please contact Sustainability

Ulrik Frøhlke +45 9955 9560