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Large trucks and young road users

At DONG Energy, we are continuously striving to improve safety in and around our company. At the Studstrup Power Station, this has been translated into road safety courses for young road users. The road safety courses are held in collaboration between DONG Energy, the Danish Transport & Logistics Association (DTL – Danske Vognmænd) and 'Østjyllands Vognmandsforening' (the East Jutland Road Hauliers' Association).

Facts about the courses

The road safety courses are part of an annual, nationwide road traffic campaign aimed at children organised by the Danish Child Accident Prevention Foundation (Børneulykkesfonden) and are carried out in collaboration between DONG Energy, the Danish Transport & Logistics Association (DTL – Danske Vognmænd) and 'Østjyllands Vognmandsforening' (the East Jutland Road Hauliers' Association).
An extensive conversion of the Studstrup Power Station, enabling it to use sustainable wood pellets instead of coal, is nearing its completion. Even though the wood pellets will be shipped to the power station by sea, there is still a steady stream of trucks entering and leaving the power station every day. So far, DONG Energy has carried out road safety campaigns aimed at drivers, workmen and employees driving to and from the power station. Now, a campaign aimed at young road users has been initiated.
“Being a major company in a local community entails local responsibility. Safety is already a key priority internally at DONG Energy, and we'd also like to focus on safety outside our company to highlight the importance of safe driving and paying extra attention to young and vulnerable road users,” says Lars Kronholm Christensen, Regional Manager, DONG Energy.
Therefore, in partnership with the Danish Transport & Logistics Association and 'Østjyllands Vognmandsforening', we've launched road safety courses for the pupils at the local Skæring School. At the road safety courses, hauliers teach the children how to safely share the road with large trucks, with particular focus on visibility and right turns. 'Østjyllands Vognmandsforening' has provided trucks for the courses. This way, approx 500 pupils in 0-4th grade at Skæring School have learned about the dangers of trucks' blind spots.
“A blind spot suddenly becomes quite tangible to the child when it's sitting in a truck,” says Lars Adamsen, Educational Supervisor at Skæring School. And he continues: “It's been a really good day for all the children, and we’ve only received positive comments from staff, children and parents."
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Ørsted Media Relations 

Carsten Birkeland Kjær
+45 9955 7765 or cabkj@orsted.dk